Friday, July 22, 2011


GodThoughtsWired!                    Friday, July 22, 2011
Evangelizing the Church in the Age of Delusion
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"The key is history.  Terrific energy
expended-civilizations are built up
-excellent institutions devised;
but each time something goes wrong.
Some fatal flaw always brings
the selfish and cruel people
to the top and it all slides back
into misery and ruin..."
-C.S. Lewis, The Case for Christianity, p.43
And the "fatal flaw" is simply this, "For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God" (see Romans 3:23).  As C.S. Lewis brilliantly points out, 
"Two odd things about the human race.
  First, that they were haunted by the idea
of a sort of behavior they ought to
practice, what you might call fair play,
or decency, or morality, or the Law of Nature.  Second, that they didn't in fact, do so."
-Case for Christianity, p.13
And I would be so bold as to declare here that anyone who has ever had the honesty and humility to access themselves truthfully would wholeheartedly agree that their dilemma in life has been the descrepancy between what the felt they ought to do, and what in fact, they did do.  This harsh reality is what the Bible describes as "sin" (see James 4:17).
"It seems to start up all right and runs
a few yards, and then it breaks down. 
They're trying to run it on the wrong juice. 
That's what Satan has done to humans."

-C.S. Lewis, The Case for Christianity, pp.44
Indeed, the history of mankind is replete with the unending cyclical nature of man's folly.  Crisis or tragedy or simple need prompts the man (or nation) to cry out to God.  God's everlasting love and mercy lifts the man (or nation) out of the filthy mirk and mire that he has created for himself.  
At some point during the restoration-renewal process the man (or nation) says, "Thanks God, I've got it from here," and the man (or nation) returns to the self-reliance that history shows always has one possible outcome.  It applies to every person.  Every nation.  Everywhere.  Every time...
x's 1000!

Today's GodThoughts come to you from the majestic shores of Edgewood, South Lake Tahoe. One of my two most favorite devotional places in the whole world. Technology is amazing, isn't it?
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