Thursday, October 20, 2011

A Purpose Driven Parable...WHOOPS!

GodThoughtsWired!              Thursday, October 20, 2011*
Evangelizing the Church in the Age of Delusion

A purpose driven parable

"Examining the scriptures daily
to see if these things were so."

Acts 17:11

 The book changed his life! He would no longer wander through life aimlessly without a vision. He was now "purpose-driven." He quickly became a devout follower. Now a man of prayer, he would pray multiple times each day.

Service to God became a primary ambition. Worship, one of the five directives of his new lifestyle, became a central focus to his daily routine. It felt good to get his eyes off of himself. So very good to have a "higher call."

"Do not add to His words
or He will reprove you,

and you will be proved a liar."

Proverbs 30:6

It seemed that what most attracted him to the teaching was the covenant and commitment. He had grown weary of his previous pointless existence. He now had purpose and there was something that felt good, very good about such focus. The purposes brought meaning to his life. For the first time, he had a since of fulfillment, and that felt GREAT!

 In addition, he was now a part of a community. A community of believers. A community of individuals highly committed to each other, and the unity that the book espoused. A life surrendered to the 5-fold purposes of God. A surrender so complete that he was now willing to die, if necessary, for his beliefs.

 "The sum of Your word is truth,
And every one of Your righteous

ordinances is everlasting."

Psalm 119:160


Ok, ok, have you guessed yet, the book that I am referring to? It's one of the most popular books of our time! In fact, it's behind the fastest growing movement of the 21st century! Have you figured out yet the "5 Purposes" to which I refer?

Well, just to make sure you aren't mistaken:
The book: The Qur'an.
The 5 Purposes: The 5 Pillars of Islam.
The Man: A devout Muslim.
 *Originally published November, 2011

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