Monday, July 14, 2008

The Boy, The Cocoon, and The Ole' Preacher

The Boy, The Cocoon, and The Ole' Preacher
Brad Reiches
Jul 14 2008 11:08AM

Evangelizing the Church
in the Age of Delusion

Monday, July 14,  2008
A GodThoughts Classic! 
Evangelizing the Church in the Age of Delusion        

"The Boy, the Cocoon & the Ole' Preacher"*

"My thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways My ways, declares the Lord."
Isaiah 55:8

The ole' preacher gently held the delicate creature in the palm of his hand.  "What is it?" asked the lad.  "It's called a cocoon," explained the preacher.  "It's one of God's marvelous mysteries.  In time, this cocoon will yield a magnificent butterfly."  "Can I have it?" asked the boy.  Well, yes you can, young man...under one condition," the preacher pondered.  "Anything," said the boy.  "Anything!"

"Well," the caring old man began to instruct.  "You may have this wondrous cocoon as long as you promise not to help the butterfly once it begins its escape.  Under NO CIRCUMSTANCE may you help it."  "Oh, I promise," assured the boy.  "I PROMISE!"

So the boy took the cocoon home and waited.  And he waited and waited  Soon, he watched as the miracle of life began to unfold.  The butterfly began his quest,  but the youngster was torn.  As he watched the butterfly's struggle, he couldn't help but be tempted to offer some assistance.  Indeed, the temptation was too great, and he gently pulled the cocoon apart.  The butterfly escaped and began its ascend to freedom, damp wings and all, but soon plummeted to the earth and died.

"In the day of prosperity be happy,
but in the day of adversity consider;
the Lord has made the one as well as the other."
Ecclesiastes 7:14

Horrified, the stricken boy picked up the fallen creature and returned it to the ole' preacher.  Immediately, the man discerned what had happened.  "You helped the butterfly escape didn't you?"  Weeping, the heartbroken lad acknowledged, "Yes I did, sir."  The ole' preacher placed his arms firmly around the young boy's shoulders and gently explained to him that his sincere, but misguided care for the butterfly had stripped it of its only opportunity to build the strength necessary for survival.

"He who gives an answer before he hears,
it is folly and shame to him."
Proverbs 18:13

The struggle that had been perceived a curse was, in truth...a blessing in disguise.

*Adapted from an unknown author.

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