Tuesday, February 8, 2011


GodThoughtsWired!                 Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Evangelizing the Church in the Age of Delusion
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"But let your statement be,
'Yes, yes' or 'No, no'; 
anything beyond these is of evil.*
-Matthew 5:37, bold mine
You'll find him behind the pulpit and in the pew.  Yes, in virtually every field of endeavor from the president to the prophet to the professional - "Political Man!"  There is no black and white for the "Political Man," only shades of gray.  No absolute standards, moral or otherwise...only political correctness.

He tells you what he thinks you want to hear.

There is no such thing as "lying" for the "Political Man"- only "diplomacy."  After all...everything is "perception."  If caught in a lie, the "Political Man" simply "mis-spoke."  If caught in a "contradiction," "Political Man" has two options:

1.  Denial, (i.e. "I never said that!" or "That was taken out of context!") or,
2. Sudden loss of memory, (i.e. "I don't remember  saying that!").
"Remind them of these things,
and solemnly charge them
in the presence of God
not to wrangle about words, 
which...leads to the ruin of the hearers."
-2 Timothy 2:14, bold mine
A "wrangler" in this context is someone who, "disputes over words and trivial matters."  You see, the "Political Man" "wrangles" words to suit hs needs at the time.  If his needs change, then definitions change.

Jesus has a word for it...


*Literally, "from the evil one."

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