Thursday, September 1, 2011

Profile of a False Prophet 5

GodThoughtsWired!             Thursday, September 1, 2011
Evangelizing the Church in the Age of Delusion

profile of a false prophet

#5. They entice through sensuality. "They entice by fleshly desires, by sensuality" (2 Peter 2:18). It has always been this way and sadly, I believe, most of us are vulnerable. Consider the following example from false prophet, Morris Cerullo,
"God said to me, 'Son, tell my people,
after they receive
the New Anointing,
they will experience more answers
to prayer
in six months than any
period of their life."
Later, Cerullo would "update" this "prophecy" and publish it as, "experience more answers to prayer in the next 90 days..." Tragically, there are those around the world who would come to believe that this "prophecy" did not come true for them because...THEY DIDN'T GIVE ENOUGH MONEY.
In 1994 I was at a conference where one of these charlatans was, "ministering." During one of the breaks I went to a local mini-mart. I struck up a conversation with the clerk (a woman in her mid-fifties). When I told her about the man who was speaking at the conference and invited her to come, she began to weep. It seems that seven years prior she and her husband attended one of his "healing services."
The "prophet" called out her husband by name, spoke of his terminal cancer and declared in the name of Jesus that God was healing him right then, right there. The prophet pranced around the stage giving "glory to God." The family came up on stage (their children were with them). They celebrated the "miraculous healing"...Two weeks later the husband died of the cancer.
So now I'm talking to her seven years later. In tears she tells me that she and her family haven't darkened the doorstep of a church since. She tearfully concluded, "I guess we didn't have enough faith."
 "For such men are false apostles,
deceitful workers, disguising themselves
as apostles of Christ.  No wonder,
for even Satan disguises himself
as an angel of light. Therefore
it is not surprising if his servants
also disguise themselves as servants of righteousness, whose end will
be according to their deeds."
-2 Corinthians 11:13-15

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