Thursday, May 8, 2008

Got Faith?

Got Faith?
Brad Reiches
May 8 2008 12:51AM


Thursday, May 8, 2008

"Got Faith?"

On a scale of 1-10, where would you say your faith level is these days?  If you are anything like me it ebbs and flows based on a variety of factors.  For those of you who have been tracking with me for awhile, you know that I believe one of the most profound prayers in all of scripture is the six words:

"I do believe,
help my unbelief."
Mark 9:24

So here's a friendly reminder:

Faith isn't likely to find you!

I mean, it's not likely that you'll go to bed one night feeling low on faith and then just wake up the next morning and BAM!  No, like so many other important things...FAITH IS A BI-PRODUCT.  It is reaped from that which is sown. 

-It rarely comes from the television.
-It rarely comes from the newspaper.
-It rarely comes from a major motion picture.

No, faith comes from...

That's right!

"Faith comes from hearing,
and hearing from the word of Christ."
Romans 10:17

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