Tuesday, August 15, 2006

To Catch a Thief!

To Catch a Thief!
Brad Reiches
Aug 15 2006 10:05AM

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Tuesday, August 15, 2006

"To Catch a Thief!"
"The thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy..."
John 10:10
No one, in his or her right mind, would leave the door to their house unlocked and open if they knew that thieves were waiting right around the corner.  And yet, in reality, many of us our guilty of this very thing each and every day.

No, I'm not talking about thieves "out there," I'm talking about "thieves within."  The thieves that we carry within our own hearts and minds:

Wasted time is a "thief."  "Be careful how you walk.  Not as unwise men, but as wise.  Making the most of your time because the days are evil" (Ephesians 5:15).  To waste time is to waste the most important resource you have.  To waste time is to waste your life!  You can get more money, but you get more time. 

Each of us is given a finite amount of time in this life.  We can use it however we will, but once it's gone...it's gone!  How we choose to use our time will determine the quality and content of our eternities.  Whoah...

Worry is a "thief."  Perhaps the most challenging scripture in all the Bible is Philippians 4:6, "Be anxious for nothing."  Nothing positive EVER came from worry.  Anxiety is a seed who's fruit is all manner of physical and mental illness.  To master worry is to master life itself.

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