Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Some Do and...Some Don't Brad Reiches

Some Do and...Some Don't
Brad Reiches
Apr 30 2008 11:09AM

Wednesday, April 30, 2008
A GodThoughts Classic
"Some Do...and Some Don't"
Originally posted on Thursday, March 17, 2005

"But as many as received Him..."
John 1:12

The seminar leader announced his opinion that one of the greatest legacies we can leave our children is our personal libraries.  Immediately a hand went up from the audience declaring, "I don't have room in my house for a library."  The speaker then suggested he clear out a closet and start there.  Someone else proclaimed, "Who can afford to buy books in this economy?"  The speaker joked that personal libraries are built the same way that elephants are bite (book) at a time.  He further noted, "If you truly can't afford to buy a book, they have these new places you can go now call "Public Libraries."

Another woman from the audience cried out, "But I don't have a library card!"  The speaker said, "They're free!  Just go down and pick one up!"  The same lady asked, "Will they deliver the books to my home?"

My daughters are getting to the ages now (ten and eight), where I'm beginning to teach them the elementary success and achievement principles that are found in the Bible.  Things like, personal responsibility,* integrity,** discipline,*** etc.  My oldest daughter, Alison, recently asked me, "Dad, why doesn't everybody do these things?"  I said, "I used to wonder the same thing honey, but I never have been able to figure that one out.  The best I can tell you is...

Some do...and some don't."

 *For an in-depth discussion on "Personal Responsibility," click on:  The Lifestyle of the Disciple Series:  Personal Responsibility.
**For an in-depth discussion on "Integrity," click on:  The Lifestyle of the Disciple Series:  Integrity.
***For an in-depth discussion on "Discipline," click on:  The Lifestyle of the Disciple Series:  Discipline.

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