Friday, February 17, 2006

I Need You!

I Need You!
Brad Reiches
Feb 17 2006 04:36PM

Friday, February 17, 2006
GodThoughts Wired! 

"I Need You!"
"So it came about when Moses held his hand up,
that Israel prevailed, and when he let his hand down
Amelek prevailed."
Exodus 17:11

These first 48 days of 2006 have been the most intimate (with God) and fruitful (ministry) of my ENTIRE LIFE!  The correlation between these two beautiful realities, and the fact that we have been humbling ourselves with a 50 day corporate fast and prayer, cannot be denied.

I've never been so "covered in prayer" as I have during these first 48 days of 2006.  A portion of our daily prayer time has been to pray for our leaders each day - which INCLUDES ME!  As a result, I've come to learn, as never before, how significant and meaningful, are the specific, focused, and daily "prayers of the saints" are to me.

"But Moses's hands were heavy...and Aaron and Hur
supported his hands, one on one side and one on the
other.  Thus his hands were steady until the sun set."
Exodus 17:12

Thus, beginning NOW!, I am building a global prayer team of individuals that God would call to "hold up my hands" in daily prayer.  This request could not be any more serious.  Would you prayerfully consider this request? 

Would God commission you to pray DAILY for me?

Are you among the few that God has called to join with me in "EVANGELIZING THE CHURCH" through the GodThoughts Ministry?

If so, please send me an e-mail with the simple word "YES" in the subject box.  I will then place you on a special "prayer list" to which I will periodically send out an update of my current needs.  THANK YOU.

"And Moses built an alter,
and named it, 'The Lord is my Banner'
(Jehovah Nissi)."
Exodus 17:15

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