Monday, January 1, 2007

THE DARK SIDE: Truth, Unity...& Compromise! A

THE DARK SIDE: Truth, Unity...& Compromise! A
Brad Reiches
Jan 1 2007 01:52AM

Happy New Year!

New Year's Day, 2007

The Purpose Driven Life, by Dr. Rick Warren has become a global influential.  It's impact transcends the Church community as a significant portion of both the secular and the religious communities have embraced it.  Indeed, The Purpose Driven Life has become one of the best selling non-fiction books in the history of the universe, second only to the Bible.  As  reviewed last week, I have benefitted from this book in many ways, however, it is now time to examine Warren's work in light of scripture, to be like the Bereans (see Acts 17:11), and only "hold fast to that which is good" (see 1 Thess. 5:20-21).  This week:  "The Dark Side of...The Purpose Driven Life."

"The Purpose Driven Life"
PART 3A :  Truth, Unity...& Compromise 

Satan is using the sincere,
"quest for unity" among Christians world-wide to lay the "ecumenical groundwork"
for a "one-world religion."
-Pastor Brad

One of the grand names for God is "Jehovah Shalom" meaning, "The Lord is peace" (see Judges 6:24).  Isaiah 9:6 tells us the coming Messiah would be called the "Prince of Peace."  Jesus said, "Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you..." (John 14:27).  And the apostle Paul further stated, "The things you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you" (Philippians 4:9).  Indeed, "peace" is an integral part of Christianity and the Christian walk.

However, here's a quote from Jesus that you won't hear preached on any time soon:

"Do not think that I came to bring peace on the earth;
I did not come to bring peace, but a sword."
Matthew 10:34


It seems we have what is called an "apparent contradiction."  Was Jesus really the "Prince of Peace" when He was yelling at the "money-changers," violently tipping over their tables, pouring out their coins, and driving them out of God's house with a scourge? (see John 2:14-17).  Did the scribes and pharisees perceive Jesus as "Jehovah Shalom" as He spewed accusations and threats at them in Matthew 23?

Actually, to make matters worse, the Old Testament is full of examples of "Jehovah Shalom" being a God of war.  Indeed, Jesus was quite clear when He said, "Do you suppose that I came to grant peace on earth?  I tell you no, but rather division" (Luke 12:51).  So, how can the God of peace be a God of "division" at the same time?  Good question, don't you think?  Important question...don't you think? 

I fear that if we don't figure it out soon, the vast majority are in danger of losing biblical Christianity altogether, and in danger of the "rude awakening" described in Matthew 7:21-23.*

I'll give you some time to chew on this one, and continue this section tomorrow.

*The Bible tells us that only a "few" are saved.  "Many" are being misled.  The majority are lost.  Of course, the majority don't think they are lost...but according to Jesus (see Matthew 7:13-23)...they are.

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